
Raleigh mayor, city leaders speak at the Shine the Light Vigil in Moore Square. -

Raleigh's mayor and other city, business and faith leaders speak at the Shine the Light Vigil in Moore Square. They are asking Raleigh's citizens to step outside for a virtual vigil at 9 p.m., holding up a source of light in the name of peace and diversity and unity and using the hashtag #ShineRaleigh.

died for that far. So many struggle for that reality. So really are fighting for that appearance. And we crave this time Oh, Lord, that you would bring it to pass, bring it into fulfillment that we will be able to celebrate and say, as Martin did some 57 years ago, Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty. We are free at last, free from ISMs that destroy human life. And we have affirmed today that that black lives matter. And we also affirmed that all lives matter move in a mighty way. Let's just be a part of the journey that we continue and we lift up our prayer in the name of the Prince of Peace, My Lord and savior Jesus Christ and God, people said, Probably springs united. I would like everyone right where you are. Look to your left. Who do you see? Look to your right. You see, one was made in the image of the Almighty, whether it be black or white, with the Latino few or gentle that they were made in God's image. And because we are all made in God's image, we have found, and despite where we may have found ourselves in life. We never lost our values. And as long as we have Value Way should appreciate one another. So it doesn't matter whether you wear a police uniform, a firefighter uniforms or you used to be a former gang bang bang. Yes, What you have about And it is important that we understand that no matter who we are, no matter where we found ourselves a light no matter what dark crevices we have found ourselves, the light could dispel darkness. The light of Jesus Christ. The light of love can move out hatred, bigotry and all the ISMs sexism, racism, that ageism that seemed to divide us. And with that in mind, I'd like for you to value here with word of a father. Your people are still now. So, Father speak, Lord, because your people need you speak, Lord, because people need wisdom. Speak, Lord. Because your people Father, we need you to speak to the corridors of time. I speak to us in this time. Father. We're in trouble. The city is in trouble. The panels are in trouble. The nation is in trouble. Despite what Simcoe, we're in. We're in trouble. we need Just speak. Set us free The Senate free from what seeks to divide fun that you created us all human. That Father the miracle of the greatest french fries in this here United States where you had men and women. Boys and girls sit down together in a place of brotherhood and sisterhood. Problem. Where you through? Our Lord Jesus Christ. We're fighting over the scraps. But father, usually two fish and five loaves of bread to feed your people. Father were hungry for your love Were hungry for your faith. We're hungry for your home. We need a filling right now. Follow. Wait here. Speak so we might be filled. Speak so we might be healed. And Father, we need. And we pray this prayer in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ! Oh, Lord, are you ready? Thank you for the prayers. Attn. This time when I asked if before Adam would come back up to the podium to give us another song, A song of celebration. But before she does want to acknowledge our Jewish brothers and sisters I want to acknowledge their desire to do with gay And so we celebrate Recognized death presence here with us in spirit way encourage each of you to share your voice by going to the hashtag and uploading a video so that you can share your voice as well on this special special day at this time when asked aboard, singing, Preying on fire. All right, three So oh, way Go fight. I know way. Wait just every day. You know everything. Everything. Wilder's here. Yeah, Rabbi sending route waters here. We're expecting her. Come on up to the state A to this time. But ask someone who has deep roots in the city of Raleigh to come now to offer up words of encouragement and prayers. His name is Dr James Ford Dr For But please go on us now, brothers and sisters, you are this beyond measure Do you know that you have gathered with us here today in what is clearly in Cairo's move today August 29 2000 and 20 is a very, very special day. It will not be repeated over 800 years. I added it off on the college this love the 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th were five Sundays in the month of August and the 3rd 10 17. The Treaty of the 31st five Mondays in the month, but and the first a 15 Seconds and that everybody's safe. Pretty Nice is 1/5 clarity in the month of August 2000 and 20. Family life Karras moment for me. A moment pregnant with possibility moment in this. Clearly there will be divine action. And so I ask you, as you stand at this pivotal moment in history, a day that will not be repeated 100 years from now, where do you stand? In the midst of the chaos, the confusion, brutality in our time, I was reading in the Gospel of John on argument in the eighth chapter that led to the fact that there are two kinds of people. Children off the devil and Children off God. On this historic day, when we have many, many examples off ugliness, off meanness off mendacity, why not let each of us decide? We no longer want to be identified with the Children of the Devil way want to be identified as Children off God? What's the difference? Children are several, have the values off hatreds, tragedy this off green violence lives matter, say with may I am not a child of the devil. Children of God have love, respect they so find us compassion, mercy Love the body love of yourself and love of your neighbor in that light join me. Say I am a child of God on finally, this time is the Tyrod moment. I don't know what God is going to do, but I'm no God is not gonna let this home this past. So what I want you to do is to decide as Children of God will you repeat these words after me? And don't mind. I won't say anything. You don't want to say I have got a known right lord way. Wait. Just wait mode. Shape up after I will waiting way yielded and still so keep your eyes open. I don't know what God's going to do, but you know what you can do. You can decide whatever God is going to do with this epic making moment in the history of the United States. You want to be on God's sign. You want to be on God's side, Bring your boat. You want to be on God's side in the horrors passed through the streets. You want to be on God's side, Issues or raise makes you and that's where you are. If that's the case, then I go in prayer. Short prayer. In fact, you can play it with me. Lord Lord have done way. Secure the city of Ron as a tourist. See build Love in the nation of the United States will make us the people you are proud off as being your Children. Good afternoon, John Singleton. And I'm the pastor of Marton Street Baptist Church here in Raleigh, North Carolina. And thank you all for being here. Thank God for the opportunity to come with the word of prayer. Let us as we speak the throne of Grace, My father in heaven. How will you dining your heavenly father? But what got all mine? But what is just a few of your home gathered here in the need of prayer? Proper God, First of all, we come to you with the spirit of Thanksgiving. Just wanted to thank you. Follow guard for being able to wake up this morning and see the dawning of a new day. We take your father dollars for the liquid sunshine that fell from the sky because it was once again a reminder, Father dog, that you are still sitting high. You're still looking low and you are still attending with the affairs of me. And so, Father God, in the name of Jesus again we just praying that you would continue toe look upon us with fever. Continue to bless us in ways that only you can probably got Our testimony is that you would not just brought us a mighty long way toward But you have brought us all the way. Want to take you for that? It's become trusting and believing that you brought us too far to leave us now. And so right now, Father God, in the moment, in the name of Jesus, we pray that this moment, Father God, that it would just turn into a movement. Father God, when all of your people father guards were gathered together Father God and do the things that will be freezing and acceptable in your sight strengthen our redeemer, Father God, we've right now for those elected officials weapon appointed over our father God. More people A that you would order that step on your way for the guard that you would remind them that we are your Children. That anything that joined unto us, Lord, they're doing it unto you. Probably got you said that we ought to render on the season that which belongs to Caesar. But Father God, we also know that we are Orender undergone that which belongs to God the Father God. You're the one that deserves all of our honor, All of our praise and all about glory. Because you deserve that so much more so, Father God again we pray, Lord, that you would just keep us in the cradle of your care. Public garden, seek peace way Seek to keep you in the midst of everything that we do We say, Father God, we seek justice from the God Pray Father God, that you would be the one Father Guard! Order our steps! In your words, Father! Guard! Help us! Give us a pistol from on high! Father! God help us to come together, Father. God! So that he could be one and all that you have called us to do Father God in the name. But she just also want a lift up prayer. Father, Guard for those million women in uniform. Public audit is an awesome sacrifice problem. Guard to put their lives on the line to protect us. Love a god from God. We know that there's no good in no organization. Follow guard. There's a lot of wherever the bad he is from the hard way that you would remove with father guard. But that's a good father guard Shine through Father. Let us not forget the cooler that is provided by the garden. Let us not forget a blanket of freedom that we get to sleep under every day and every night it's Obama God again, we thank you. Now we pray that you would protect those police officers they protect and serve us Father God way Pray Father God at every encounter. That would be a reminder. Father, Guard again that we have value Father God Let it be a reminder, Father, Guard that every encounter or to be one of peace, be one of love on every one of kindness. Be one father God, I lift up the name of Jesus at all that we do insane And so far I got again that we thank you for this moment today way. Thank you for each and every person that is here, under the sound of her voice. And we pray, Lord, that you would help us believe this place again, but never from your presence way. We'll continue to get your honor praising glory and Jesus name. We pray that all of God's people say amen way all sit together a man way Want to certainly acknowledge? Of course, our Muslim brothers and sisters as well for members of this great grand commutes probably celebrate their presence. And their voices well, we want also acknowledged and recognized the voices of women as well. Way recognised stages full of ah gentleman, that's just great. But we also recognize the presence of women who are here with us and women who are leaders in this community. Wake, celebrate and acknowledge aboard. Well, I want to recognize the LGBT community, acknowledge and understand this challenge in the struggle of the LGBTQ community we invited to celebrate their voices. Well, as we continue to lift up this way, other members of the clergy that would like to offer plans as well. I certainly had no intention of saying it, but I do with a condom on behalf of the eye care team with police department. Yeah, I care Team is an interfaith. Community based ambassadors were seeking the bridge together. Our communities, churches and the Rally police department across the city were put together by the chief served with the RPG. And we want to circle the half of our communities. My name is Randy Carter. In the past, for about these shirts in northeast following Thank you for the opportunity to be here. I certainly just want to pray simply in light of what Jesus invited all of us in churches. And that's to be salt in life in our communities. Father, we ask simply that you allow us to live as Jesus called us to live assault as life. Please, Lord, increase our lights, increase our saltiness. That we award might bring good and love into our communities way A round of applause while protesters for protesting with peace and dignity. No justice, No, please! One more time. No justice, no peace way Celebrate! Yes, we do celebrate the power of justice and celebrating the call for justice and truth and righteousness in our community and across this nation better scouted together. Now as we close in player, you tell God we give you thanks for the spirit of justice and peace. We give you things So God, for the power off base that beckons us to celebrate the power of God that all of God's Children are created in God's image. Let us continue to stand for justice until just just roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream. It was you, Lord, who said that the spirit of the Lord is upon me. He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor Thio more broken and to set a liberty Those who were Captain Lord, we pray that you would set the captives way played for justice will play for liberation. We pray for freedom. We play for human dignity for all of us Children, be with us now. Is we close? You know song together in your holy name. Amen. But asked Now you more Adams will join me as we sing a closing song And also we want to encourage you to shine the light Tonight we're asking everyone to take their their phones or whatever. You have candles Come out of your doors Shine your lights so that we can continue to stand together as a community. Hey, man, let's finish it up with somebody hurting my brother. Don't know that. All right? Somebody's hurt some bodies and going on our way. He size bowl way. He's bodies. Thank you all again for coming. Let us continue playing while city while state for our nation and our world I think the mayor city officials least chief many, many others who have come out this afternoon to celebrate this moment of players going, please. And may God bless you. Yes, my king. My son. I talked Teoh. Understand? Everything. Everything. Well, uh, no way. You know that here for you.

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August 30, 2020 at 03:25AM

Raleigh mayor, city leaders speak at the Shine the Light Vigil in Moore Square. -
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